We offer two ways to find articles, either in EBSCO's FullText Finder or in our databases.


Use EBSCO's FullText Finder to locate e-journals.

FullText Finder is a new state-of-the-art publication search service that has replaced EBSCO's A-to-Z Reader Site.

In order to familiarize yourself with how Full Text Finder can be used to find your journals, please watch this two minute introductory video:


If you are interested in finding articles on specific topics, try searching one of our databases such as PubMed or CINAHL. On our database list you will find more than 40 other database resources, some with a wide focus (PubMed, TRIP, ClinicalKey, UpToDate) and some more narrow (TOXNET and OrthoEvidence).

Our Health Sciences Librarians will be happy to help you begin your search in a one-on-one session or in a workshop.

How may we help?

Visit the circulation desk and we will be happy to help you find what you are looking for. You may also call us at (614) 234-5214 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..