What is My Password?
Your library password along with your last name is essentially your library card. You use it to access all library resources from checking out books to accessing databases from home.
If you are an MCCN student…
Your password is your Student ID number (six numerical digits, beginning with the numeral '4'). If you do not know your Student ID number, here is how you can locate it:
Your Student ID is printed on your student schedule. To find this number follow the steps below:
- Log into CARMELink.
- Click on the “Student” tab.
- From the left side menu, click on the “Records and Registration” page.
- Page down to the “Student Schedule” header and click on the “View Details” link.
- Page down and click on the .pdf link to the “Student Schedule.”
- Your Student ID Number is printed on the top left corner of the page, directly under your name.
Click here for a guide to finding your Student ID written by MCCN Records and Registration. If you are still having trouble, contact the MCCN Records and Registration Office at (614) 234-3959.
Please Note: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA and MCCN Policy prohibit the release of your Student ID number by library staff.
If you are a Mount Carmel Colleague, your password is explained below.
If you are a Mount Carmel Colleague…
Your password is your associate ID that you use to login to the computers. For most employees it is the first initial of your first name and first initial of your last name followed by your six digit Associate ID number. If you are a new hire, it is your system login (aka your four-by-four).
For example:
The password for Sally Jones is "sj123456."
If Sally was hired in 2014 or after it would be "abcd1234."
If you are a Mount Carmel Physician…
Your password is your Medical ID, also known as your "D number."
For example:
The password for Dr. Sally Jones (Medical ID d1234) is "d1234."
Off-Campus Access
The majority of Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library’s electronic resources are available from any computer with internet access.
However you must complete our Library Registration form before you can access the library’s resources from home.
Please note: All Mount Carmel College of Nursing students, and MCHS Graduate Medical Education Residents are automatically provided a library password upon registration, and DO NOT need to complete the Library Registration form referenced above.
When you first access one of our electronic resources from home or any computer outside of Mount Carmel, you will see this screen:
Enter your last name and your password and you will be granted access.
If you have any questions please contact the library at 234-5214. Or you may email us at